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Stuff the Bus 2024

Stuff the Bus is our community-wide school supply drive for children in need. When families are struggling to pay rent and put food on the table, school supplies are often out of reach. With your help, we can give students the tools – and confidence – that they need to excel in the classroom.

$381 raised
15% of $2,500 goal · 5 supporters
Step 1
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As the year comes to a close, let's unite to make a lasting impact. With 'Warm Hearts, Bright Homes: Sparking Change through Utility Assistance and Housing Stability,' we invite you to join us in creating brighter futures. Your support will illuminate lives and ensure homes are filled with warmth.
Minimum is $1.00
Donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Step 2
Contact Information
* Required
Step 3
Payment Information — Donating $26.32
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